8/07/24 Added About me page
STATUS 6/28/24 Today I have formalized my writing about creativity, and am going to put it on here a bit after I am done with the current video, its gonna be like a "webbook" thing, its not really very long and most of it has already been written, this is the abstract or first page.
The goal of these writings is to layout a framework of improving in relation to creative work that can be understood by reading it sequentially and can be applied to any form of work (painting, music, video, whatever). It is a structure that can be applied to many areas regardless of the specifics, you just need to substitute the specific things mentioned to those within your desired or current area. We start out more practically, how to improve the general ability of aquiring skills, the nature of improvement, things that deal with concrete systems and direct skill development. Then move into the more abstract areas of understanding and improving the act of creativity iself. Breaking down how I believe creativity in people works through the process of input and output, how to apply it to your own "aesthetic system", how to better see how others aesthetic systems work and how they form and connect and how to apply it to your own, how common trends occur within artistic areas (opium for example, y2k aesthetics, formalized aesthetics in general and those who are inspired by such) and the importance of maximizing serendipitous discovery, or geniuneness, within the creation process.
Thats basically the outline of what ive written, I will put it out once the time comes. Meanwhile I am excited today about my 3 day reddit streak and work on the current video continues as normal.
STATUS 6/26/24 Got the item I lost back in the mail. Also got some other stuff, finished what I was doing outside with the mirror setup. Was too lazy to post the picture. 2day was a good day. In this inbetween time I just worked ahead on other things. I don't really like to work out of order but gotta do what you gotta do. This particular section I think will be cool if it goes how I have it mentally pictured. which, so far it is. I will probably make this log a dedicated section soon with tab navigation. Everything is pretty much going as I want it to, time will only tell if more things get in the way. Fate... If i had to give an estimate I would say the video is ~75% done.
STATUS 6/14/24 In this current video I am making, I made 2 "skits" within it (more like making myself look stupid in public in front of others doing some shit, light trolling), and had a lot of fun doing it and the writing process of coming up with funny ideas. Today I came up with and wrote out the entire next video roughly, and im gonna go in more of a skit/humor/edgy direction. Gonna flex that brain 4 sake of humor. They also wont take anywhere as long to make as this current one. This one im making right now is really just to make something super dope with a lot of time put into it, and to establish an aesthetic properly, then use it for future videos which will likely be more satirical in nature, im gonna be playing a character and shit in the one i wrote today. and make it a whole thing, Im not gonna say what its about or anything, but I think it will be funny if it goes to plan, and i have the means to make it how I want. Right now though the focus is making this current vid super cool n shit, establish a style, get them skillz up.
STATUS: 6/9/24 Today had some "technical" difficultys. as for this part im doing, mirrors are a large part of it, and I had everything setup the way I needed it to be, takes some manual labor and a good 15 minutes toset it up outside. Everything was set up perfectly. I had done the same thing yesterday. but, like a fool, today one of the mirrors cracked while being set up. This in it self was not the issue, it was a small and insignificant crack, nor would I care if such a thing happened, as frankly it adds character. Suddenly however, after I took this picture to marvel at my masterful abilty of arrangeing mirrors in a circle, (i will post it later as of writing its not gonna be there) and the euphoria of such genius subsided, I pull out of my pockets the objects in which I were to shoot in the first place. 2/3 of them were there but not the third. The most important one! The actual thing I was shooting. It ruined everything, as it was lost, and I had to go online and buy a new one. (it is cheap and readily availble so its not really the end of the world). I seriously looked everywhere, very throughly, even mowed the lawn. I was mystifed frankly. Like fate had pulled some kind of divine quackery. At this point it is no longer a matter of wanting to find the object, but just wondering where it went, as I very rarely truely loose things. I blame the mirror.
STATUS: 5/25/24 This new computer is crazy good, like, ridiculously good, stuff I previously had to view in 9x9 or 12x12 I can preview in full now, its awesome and frankly game changing. Ive been sick these past few days but still putting in some time. Soon I might start putting up some writings on here, I already have written quite a few things, philosophy of creativity, cycles of twitter popularity and how to achieve it, skill development and the concept of mastery, and some other things... but the timing is not right. I dont really feel comfortable posting them until im finished with the video as they will make more sense when that time comes. I plan on seriously working on the website more around then, for now im just going to keep it this way, maybe move these to a new page if it gets too vertical. We'll see. Working on this video my ability has exponentionaly increased, but theres never any real satisfaction. frankly I had no idea what I was doing before, and dont really view any of my current videos in a particularly positive way, just too many issues with them for me to be satisfied, For me I have a very low satisfaction shelf life, in the past im satisfied with a video for at most a day after making it, then just feel disgusted by it, but not in a sad way or anything, I just see all the holes and am always anylyzing for errors and ways to improve. However for this video, which ive been working on since december, I look back at the parts ive already made and havent looked at for a while, and feel geniunely good about it. I dont think there is really anyone out there who views video creation in the way that I do, or has the means to match it, and thats not to come off as egotistical or anything, I just geniunely think that its some next level shit. and I know I have the skillz, mind, and means to do things others cant. Its all about the technical challenge and gitting gud even further beyond to some other dimension that doesnt exist, inspiring others who view things similarly, and then wanting more, its seriously all i care about, and I dont think any of what I made currently really represents that, or it does in a early stage primitive way. an analogy would be comparing datpiff mixtapes to an actual album, way more time effort and polish. My videos had good ideas, and inspired some people who I would later befriend, but making them in 2 week intervals at the start, then 1 month intervals, it just wasnt enough time for it all to "click" conceptually, too amateur and rushed. The benefit though is that it was perfect for learning. This time im ready! But in the future i will likely look back and think similar things, But not right now! which is what matters to me the most.
STATUS: 5/20/24 My main PC is dead... my old alienware auroa r6...upgraded to 32gb ddr4 ram.No data lost because I have good file storaqge practices.. But now im gonna have a 4090 and a crazy amd 7950 CPU and other shit which is exponentialy better., So even though I cant work on the video for a week, it will probably be finished faster tham had it not happened, serendipity FTW! I still dont know how to spellcheck in vim but I know it is possiible.
EMAIL: basesk8er@basesk8er.net
ARCHIVE: archive.org page
About me: ISTP 5w4 is really all you need to know to know me better.... for now... Ill write an actual page once the time is right. The name basesk8er was randomly generated and I added the 8 for the steeze, It doesnt really mean anything.