Hello! This is the proper homepage for my website, right now there isnt anything much special here. On the side I put in some stuff I have made on twitter as practice. The main thing I am doing currently is working on a video project about well.... You will see! Its probably not like any other video you have seen before I can tell you that.
After thats done I plan to move on to a NEW style of video that is not remotely related to anything I have made currently (its going to be skits, but done with some, well, style i suppose). It will be fun. You can read the about me page, however there really isnt much on there right now.
The other links on the header currently dont serve a purpose, but they will, its all priced in. The old homepage is where you go to when clicking home. Other then that, I am just working on the video, as well as various other things.
My email is basesk8er@basesk8er.net
For files shown in videos and things of that nature archive.org
After thats done I plan to move on to a NEW style of video that is not remotely related to anything I have made currently (its going to be skits, but done with some, well, style i suppose). It will be fun. You can read the about me page, however there really isnt much on there right now.
The other links on the header currently dont serve a purpose, but they will, its all priced in. The old homepage is where you go to when clicking home. Other then that, I am just working on the video, as well as various other things.
My email is basesk8er@basesk8er.net
For files shown in videos and things of that nature archive.org